Announcing our Employer Partners!
April 9, 2013
We started the Amani Institute with the intuition that there was a major gulf between tradtional models of career preparation for social change practitioners, and the needs and nature of the workplace. This was later confirmed by our research into what employers felt was missing in the university system when it comes to producing high quality talent. We thus carefully designed our curriculum to match the needs of employers Over the last several weeks, we offered many leading employers the chance to sign up to preferentially review the applications of graduates of our Certificate in Social Innovation Management program. Here we are delighted to announce our first 30 Employer Partners.
Who They Are
Our first batch of Employer Partners is a varied and diverse group, comprising large international organizations (eg. Search for Common Ground, Ashoka, Microensure), social enterprises (eg. TechChange, Frontline SMS), development consulting firms (eg. Dalberg Kenya, Vera Solutions), and community-based NGOs (eg. Educate!, Dignitas Project). Some are local to specific countries or regions, and others are global, working in dozens of countries. They are based in emerging markets like India or Kenya, or in traditional international development watering holes like Washington DC. What Do They Get? Employer Partners promise to look at the applications of Amani Institute graduates for any existing roles at the time it comes up. Any applicants would of course need to fulfill the employer’s specific requirements (eg. speak Spanish, or know social media) in addition to having completed the Amani Institute training – we do not replace existing recruiting processes. But this saves the Employer Partner both time and money in finding top talent interested in joining the organization. For our students, it gives them an ‘inside track’ in applying to organizations that fit their career aspirations. Looking for More Partners! Our first 30 Employer Partners are based in more than 10 countries and work in over 100 different countries. But we’d like to have 100 such partners from every corner of the globe. If you would like to become an Employer Partner or are simply interested in learning more, please do contact us.