Giving Thanks

November 25, 2011


Yesterday, the United States celebrated the holiday of Thanksgiving. While you can debate some of the ways in which Americans give their thanks (fried chocolate bars and violent shopping sprees in particular leave me scratching my head), the idea of the celebration is wonderful, a gift to people everywhere, something we can all do in our own ways. We’re thankful for all the people who have supported us over the last several months as The Amani Instituted has made progress from a mere idea towards becoming reality. The list is far too long for this blog post, but certainly includes the fantastic folk listed at the bottom of our Team page. While thinking of how best to express our gratitude, I came across this blog post from Seth Godin who said it better than I could. So I paste it below, with an Amen.

A great way to give thanks… for the privileges we’ve got is to do important work. Your job, your internet access, your education, your role in a civilized society… all of them are a platform, a chance to do art, a way for you to give back and to honor those that enabled you to get to this point. For every person reading this there are a thousand people (literally a thousand) in underprivileged nations and situations that would love to have your slot. Don’t waste it.

Happy Thanksgiving and happy creating your art.

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