Meet our First Class of Participants!

May 11, 2013


We are SO PROUD to announce the participants in our first-ever Certificate in Social Innovation Management program, to be held in Nairobi from June – October 2013. This program embodies our vision for the direction that higher education must take, and the 15 participants exemplify the type of people who will be able to think outside the box to shape the future. They were selected from more than 150 applicants, and they come from 12 different countries. Click here to meet them all! I’m reminded of the Social Innovation Manifesto written by our friends at Kennisland. Its concluding theme is the following:

The Future is Agile: The innovation cycle is speeding up all the time. Innovation takes place in a continuously iterative process whose core is the process of co-creation and the exploitation of new discoveries. Innovation programmes therefore need to make use of this short-cycle dynamic. Education, too, should acknowledge this iterative creative capacity. We need self-assured, passionate, modern, creative people to shape the future. Their adaptability, flexibility, and ability to think outside the box will be crucial.

We couldn’t agree more! This is why we absolutely can’t wait for them to join us in Nairobi, in just under 3 weeks, to begin this journey together!

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