Fast Company Profiles our Study on Talent Development

February 20, 2013


We’re excited to share an article by the fantastic folks at Fast Company about our recent study, “The State of Talent Development in the Social Sector“.  Over the course of 2012, we conducted a study of leading organizations working in social change regarding their beliefs and perceptions of the gap between what universities could do and what they needed in order to successfully accomplish their missions. Do read the article – “You Don’t Need a Lot of Degrees to Get a Job Saving the World“. And don’t miss the report –  this page has the Executive Summary as well. And please share this article and report widely with your friends and networks. The report raises a lot of questions of the future role for universities, as they are currently conceived, in preparing people to build lives of impact and meaning. It’s an important topic that we should all be discussing a lot more.

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