The Amani Institute has Launched!

August 23, 2012


Readers of this blog know that we’ve been on hiatus for the last few months as we’ve been working on finalizing our program launch, re-designing this website, and moving to Nairobi, Kenya. With this post, we’re excited to re-launch the website and announce that The Amani Institute is officially putting up its shingle. We begin with our first online course, in partnership with TechChange, called “Technology, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship”. We’d love to have as many of you take the course as possible so do sign up here. We are also finalizing a partnership with George Mason University’s innovative and top-ranked School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution to manage a program on Social Entrepreneurship and Peacebuilding in Nairobi in the first half of 2013. More details and application information for this program will soon be available, and announced here as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. In addition to our founding Board Members and Advisory Council, we have so many people to thank for helping us get here. We thank you – you know who you are. And very near the top of the list is Jerry White, who has been a force of inspiration and encouragement from the very beginning. Watch the video below to see Jerry explaining to a roomful of future leaders how he came to completely revamp the manner in which he hired people for his award-winning global campaigns that have changed the world. And why he believes in the need for The Amani Institute.      

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