Our Fellows Made the News!

December 15, 2019


With the holiday season approaching, you may be looking for something interesting to read. What about a selection of recent articles written by our Fellows or featuring their work?

Times Next (India) about Aditi Agrawal (Amani Fellow in Kenya in 2014)
How Aditi Agrawal and team are preparing young students for the corporate world with their startup – School of Future 

Medium by Giulia Balestra (Amani Fellow in Kenya in 2016)
To the human, through the digital
and The Misfit of Innovation (on UNHCR Innovation Service)

Linkedin, by Caiman Oliveira (Amani Fellow in Brazil in 2019)
Por que você deveria pensar numa transição de carreira?

The  Pioneer (India), by Krisstina Rao (Amani Fellow in India in 2018) 
AI at the frontline of healthcare (page 9)

La Nacion(Argentina) about Milagro Iraola (Amani Fellow in Kenya in 2016)
Futuro. 35 referentes sub-35 que trascienden con creatividad, talento y esfuerzo

El Comercio(Perù) about Matias Ballón (Amani Fellow in Brazil in 2017)
Alto Perú de Matias Ballón: el barrio como una escuela de aprendizaje 

The Hindu (India) about Bhairavi Prakash (Amani Fellow in India in 2018)
Beat the blues with this helpful kit

The Start Up Scene (Egypt) about Tamer El-Mahrouky (Amani Fellow in Brazil in 2017)
After Spike in Gas Prices in Egypt, “TINK” Launches to Make Commuters Share the Tank

National School of Journalism Bangalore (India), by Mriganka Lula (Amani Fellow in Kenya in 2015)
Kashmir in Pictures: The Heartbreaking Truth

Scene Arabia(Jordan) about Saeed Abu Alhassan (Amani Fellow in Kenya in 2015)
Shams, the Jordanian Community Shedding Light on Social Issues over the Dinner Table

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