
Anne Miltenburg

Founder, BrandTheChange.org

Anne Miltenburg is a Dutch brand director on a mission to leverage the power of brand for social and environmental causes. To this end, she founded Brand The Change; an independent learning organization that trains change makers in brand building skills, in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Educated as a designer at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Anne has been a brand developer for 20 years, first working with world renown agencies Studio Dumbar, Lava and Interbrand and later independently. 

Anne’s writing appears in Forbes, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, the Huffington Post, WorksThatWork, Skoll World Forum and elsewhere.

In February 2016, Anne successfully raised funds for their Branding Toolkit for Changemakers through Kickstarter, and the book was picked up by BIS publishers for worldwide release in 2018. Brand The Change, the book, has been translated to Korean and Arabic and is sold in 45 countries.

With a home base in Nairobi, Kenya, Anne works in places as diverse as Dublin, Riyadh, Lusaka, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Tunis. 

Besides her work with Brand The Change, Anne is a freelance brand director for tech for good companies. Find more about her work on annemiltenburg.com