SIM Alumni

Gian Grob

Gian grew up in the mountains of Switzerland, and now lives in Senegal where he can locally represent a NGO. He works remotely as a Brand Designer and Consultant. 

Growing up in a Swiss family with a long entrepreneurial and business-focused history and a world rather detached from larger social or humanitarian problems, he has always felt drawn to escape that bubble. This led him to devoting much of his early twenties to the refugee situation happening in Europe by visiting some of the biggest refugee camps over the continent.

Parallel to this, on the professional side, he started off in architecture but quickly made his way to the world of design, where he has freelanced on and off for almost 10 years. In 2021 Gian founded his agency which aims to support startups and small businesses in Branding and Brand Design, he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Design Management, co-founded a small NGO for clothing donations and moved to Senegal!

With his new beginnings in Senegal, Gian uses his free time learning as much as he can about local cultures and languages.