SIM Alumni

Julia Chen

Julia holds a bachelor degree in Finance from National Taiwan University. She is a marketing professional with extensive experience in brand management, product development and integrated marketing communication. On top of that she equips herself with strong business acumen thanks to the solid training in PricewaterhouseCoopers at her early career stage. For the past eight years Julia has worked in Shanghai, China, first at Johnson & Johnson and later at Three on the Bund. At Three on the Bund, she had the privilege to work closely with some of the world’s thought leaders in diverse fields through the company’s philanthropic platform: “THREE Talk” ( Deeply moved by the passion and energy these leaders devoted to solve some of the world’s most urgent crises, Julia decided to pursue a career that strives to make the world a better place. She is convinced that in order to scale up the impact of sustainable development, business leaders must play a critical role. She wishes to use her solid marketing expertise as an asset to advocate and encourage corporations to take on the SDG way of doing business, beyond CSR programs.