Priyanka, an alumna of the University of Delhi with a degree in English literature, embarked on her professional journey in the social sector through the Teach For India Fellowship. With over 12 years of dedicated work, she has made significant contributions in the realms of education, organizational development, and capacity building.
Driven by a fervent desire to fortify her knowledge base and glean insights from industry experts, Priyanka became a member of the inaugural cohort of the Post Graduate Program in Development Management (PGP-DM) at the Indian School of Development Management (ISDM). In her last stint, she led cohort-based and Organizational Development programs at ISDM and co-Founded ISDM’s Flagship program Women on Boards, meant for Senior Women Leaders from the corporate world to become Board members in the Social Sector.
Priyanka is now a Co-Founder at Rajalka Consulting serving as the Director for Organization Development and Capacity Building. Priyanka joined Amani Institute as a Program Manager for one of Amani's flagship programs – Leadership for Growth – a version of which we launched exclusively for nonprofit and social enterprise leaders in Gujarat, in partnership with Breitling SA.
In addition to her academic pursuits, Priyanka completed the Organizational Development Fellowship from the Wipro Foundation, further solidifying her expertise in the field. She was recently honored by the Women Economic Forum for her role as a woman leader actively contributing to the creation of a better world for all.