SIM Alumni

Sitawa Wafula

Founder, My Mind, My Funk

Sitawa Wafula is a three-time award winning mental health and epilepsy crusader and blogger. She runs a mental health social enterprise called My Mind, My Funk ( and 22214, which is Kenya’s free mental health SMS help line. Some of her awards include Google Africa Connected Winner in 2014, 2013 Activist of the Year and 2013 East Africa Youth Philanthropist. All of her work was born from her experience as a rape survivor and living with a dual diagnosis of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. Despite her experiences, Sitawa still believes that this world is beautiful. She spends her time providing information and support for those who suffer from what others consider a taboo and curse. Mental illness is very stigmatized in Kenya. When she is not investing herself in these projects, she is caught up in her love for God, DIY projects, food, travel, and books.